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Major Website Update: Cosplay and Shop

Hey all!

First off, I'd like to say that on Monday I finalized my manuscript for my developmental editor! Hooray! What does that mean exactly? Well, they will read through the story and make call-outs on plot holes, character story arcs that don't make sense, give notes on what needs more story overall, etc. Usually this process is a month or more, then I get back to revising my manuscript, send it back to them, final changes, then off to my line/copy editor. That being said, 'Fragments of the Heart' should be published by the end of this year.

Since I sent off my manuscript, I have been working hard on this site and other admin things I have been wanting to do for a long while now. If you have noticed, I added a log-in bar on the top of the site. It helps for those of you who comment frequently, and for me to make a quick blog post from the web, and not logging through the loops of wix, editing the entire site, etc. Also, I am in the process of changing the color scheme for all the widgets, but haven't finished up yet. And SHOP!

If you click on my shop, this is some of the items you will see. There is much more I plan to add the next two days. I will also include art and cosplay merchandise in my store. I made an example of a digital download pack in my shop, but I will do more. I also do plan on releasing a cosplay book or two, as well as a sketch book of cyborgs with poetry. Because cyborgs and poetry go together, don't you think?

I'll be working on my site and shop for the remainder of the week. Next week I plan to clean up my first book and reorganize it as a special edition hard cover. In the past, I have had a book designer layout two of my covers (I did the final two), and had them layout the interiors and ebook as well. I had been a graphic design twenty years ago, and know the basics of how to layout a book, but it had been so long that I doubted my abilities when I released my first book 'Fragments of Light.' Now that I know I have the skill-set to do this myself, I'm going to layout the first book, and get the template prepared for the next books.

If anyone has any suggestions that they want to see in my shop, please drop a comment below. Thank you very much!

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Beth Hodgson
Beth Hodgson

For those of you wondering about the updated cosplay page, I forgot to mention it in the post. I deleted the albums and created a cosplay photo collage instead. I did this because: 1) It didn't take up as much space and it gives the visitor to see an assortment of cosplays, and 2) the images were full size and readily available for anyone to download. I always hate 'charging' people for what I do since it's art and an expression of my creative self, but at the same time, it would be nice to get some income that can be used towards my books (editing and art costs) and supplies for future creative projects. :)

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